
Tory Voner
Mar 29, 20235 min read
Tor is Now a Reiki Practitioner Healer, so What is Reiki?
My journey into Reiki felt very natural to me, and it seems like it's all the rage now, and I think there are many good reasons for that....

Tory Voner
Oct 4, 20214 min read
How to Approach Self-Portraiture
Now that I am truly getting to know myself, at almost 38 years old, it has been tingling in the back of my mind how I want to approach a...

Tory Voner
Jan 24, 20213 min read
Being Inspired By Chrysocolla
Many times when I start a new painting, I am itching for a change of subject and/or approach. This was one of those times. I had a call...