
Tory Voner
Mar 29, 20235 min read
Tor is Now a Reiki Practitioner Healer, so What is Reiki?
My journey into Reiki felt very natural to me, and it seems like it's all the rage now, and I think there are many good reasons for that....

Tory Voner
Oct 4, 20214 min read
How to Approach Self-Portraiture
Now that I am truly getting to know myself, at almost 38 years old, it has been tingling in the back of my mind how I want to approach a...

Tory Voner
Apr 27, 20214 min read
Join me in my Journey as an Artist...
Read on to discover what is guiding me in much of my artwork, and how you may see my artwork develop into the future

Tory Voner
Mar 6, 20215 min read
Nature is My Savior, and so much more.
Throughout this whole pandemic, I have been retreating into nature, more and more, just to survive what is going on in this crazy world....

Tory Voner
Jan 24, 20213 min read
Being Inspired By Chrysocolla
Many times when I start a new painting, I am itching for a change of subject and/or approach. This was one of those times. I had a call...